Currently up for Sweeps is a Doggy Gift Bag with 5 toys. 2 sweeky, 1 rope and a treat.
To enter please read blog "A Caution on Vaccinations" and leave a comment regarding the post.
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Sweeps ends May 17, 2009
i'm that we are able to get all of this information from that site on vacanations mverno@roadrunner.com
Good article, a must read for animal lovers.
Very interesting article! Good to know!
very interesting..thankyou
Hi! This is a GREAT article! We rescued a pup at a shelter when he was around 9 weeks old. He is now around 15 weeks. Yesterday he received his last set of puppy shots plus rabies. When he was in the shelter they gave him the Bordetella inoculation. Also I got him just a monthly dose of Advantage. (plus for my kitties) I spent about $130.00. So, YES, it certainly adds up fast. I am gonna have to check into the heart worm in my area, I am not very knowledgeable about that..THANK-YOU for sharing as well as the chance for the giveaway!
That was a great article. Thank you.
Very interesting...thanks!
Interesting article--lots of info I wasn't aware of.
Thanks for the info. My puppy goes next week for her 2nd round of vaccinations.
i want to win
Thanks for info. Both my puppies are up to date with their shots
good article, especially for a first time owner
It is important to make certain that information about the importance of animal vaccinations gets out to the public and this article does it in a clear and understandable manner.
clynsg at yahoo.com
we have 3 rescue dogd.ridgebacks..we make sure shots are done because we don't now what there previous life was about
I was unaware that: Bordetella and coronavirus although seemingly benefical vaccines prevents these viruses only for a short period on time and have questionable efficasy.
great information...thanks!
My little darling is all current, and I'm thankful that the rescue org. I got her from kept meticulous records :)
I wish that we had this before we adopted our second dog!
True for all animals - even homo sapiens
i find it intersting that heart worm preventative is not neccasry in all states
Great article. I'm about to take my three dogs to the vet for annual shots, heartworm testing and flea/heartworm medication and am really worried about the upcoming bill. I know I need the flea medication but I'm going to check out the facts about heartworm. My last vet kept trying to get me to have my dogs vaccinated for Bordetella but my current vet said that's not necessary unless you're taking them to be boarded somewhere.
shel704 at aol dot com
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shel704 at aol dot com
who would've thought vaccinations could be so bad?!
We rescued a brother and sister from a local shelter this past Feb. ~ I was prepared for the work and training and patience involved with taking on 2...but we were definitely taken aback by the cost of 2. $500 adoption fees which did include pay/neuter...and the first vet bill was nearly $400. But they are sooo worth it. Their names are Moses and Molli ~ and they are the best of friends! Thanks for the interesting article.
We have 5 chihuahuas and the cost of vaccinations is very costly. Luckily our vet quit giving annual boosters and went to every 2 years. Your blog was very informative,keep up the good work. jelly15301@gmail.com
Blog follower. jelly15301@gmail.com
great contest
Great information for anyone who has a petor thinking of getting one.
hebert024 at aol dot com
Thanks for the awesome giveaway...but thanks also for the great article on vaccines! I really learned a lot about what is needed and exactly when. Thanks so much! :)
katygmorris at gmail dot com
Perfect for a first time owner!! Thanks for the chance! Our little Marley would love this. mogrill@comcast.net
We have already cut down on our dog's shots. I learned about this a few years ago from a holistic vet.
I never thought about checking to see which vaccinations I should get in different areas..might save me some money.
I agree with your article - over here we don't have to worry about heartworms either, so I feel no need to treat Pudgy for them. Now that she's older, we don't give her vacs that aren't completely necessary.
this article contains some great information, i think every pet owner should read it
I have two dogs and agree with the costs adding up. When we moved to Texas, we learned we could get a 3-year rabies vaccination, which had never been offered to us in Florida. I think people concerned with over-vaccinating in general - whether it is their dogs or their children!
Very interesting article, thanks so much! I love the idea of educating pet owners and potential pet owners, we definitely could use more of it on the world.
I follow on Blogger..my Jack Russell Terrier would be thrilled to win this, what a fun treat!
Great article. We adopted our guy from the SPCA and this info is very informative.
Very informative article, thanks. I hadn't heard about this before.
great article...
This is interesting information and something we all need to know.
interesteing and it reminded me to get my dog er rabies vaccine
I am fostering for a local shelter and we are probably going to keep this fella and then foster another. I love being informed! Thanks!
Thank you for a great giveaway! I like the great information. I wish I had seen this sooner. Thank you!
I almost always have a foster pup in the house. thanks for the info!
Thanks for the information on vaccines - it really is something to think about re: where you live and if all vaccines are required. I'm glad to think about this since we just got a new puppy yesterday! Thanks for the chance to win a toy for him as well!
A good article of importance of animal vaccinations
Great article with a lot of important information, some of which I didn't know so it was very helpful!
Interesting article. I've been reading various pet forums and the topic of vaccination (and over-vaccination) comes up frequently. I think that on some level, vets tend to push certain products even if they aren't necessary. I know that whenever I go to the vet, they always push frontline, heartguard and yearly vaccinations. I'll have to look deeper into what they're giving my dog, and whether he actually needs those things. Thanks for the reminder to do my own research.
Good information to know, thanks..
I'm also in Nevada, in an area where mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks are not a problem.
Remember, though, that if your dogs go to day care or are boarded, proof of current vaccinations is usually required.
Great article, thanks for sharing.
I had no idea that vaccines and preventatives should be based on where you live. I have 3 dogs and a cat and have lived in several states. Every time I go to the vet, they get every vaccine imaginable. I just assumed they were all needed. From now on, I will definitely ask more questions. Thanks for the great info!
sherri419 at gmail dot com
I would love the chance to win, thanks.
A friend gave me my dog and her vet is constantly sending me reminders to come in for various shots. I just got a reminder for rabies shots and yes it could be a problem around her but... my dog never goes out side except when I take him for grooming and then he is carried to the car and not let out in the yard. I can't afford all them shots and special food, etc. the vet wants to sell. Glad to read this article and receive conformation on the vacanations. ybutler@oppcatv.com
I found it interesting that since not all vaccines are required depending on the area you live in be sure that your pet is not being vaccinated for a disease that most likely will not effect your pet.
My Vets have been reevaluating their vaccination policy in an effort to avoid unnecessary vaccines.
Thanks for a great post as well as a great topic. Having 6 fur-babies at home, 5 dogs and 1 cat, i fully do believe some pets do get overvaccinated. We almost lost one of our big guys shortly after bringing him home, after we found out he had an allergic reaction to something in one of the vaccines he had received! We never knew there was even a possibility for that.
yea you never know with vaccinations. electricisland(at)gmail.com
Very informative. Thank you for sharing this information.
Very informative article
Very good information. Thanks!
I think the dog owning public is kept from knowing a lot about vaccinations as it is the bread and butter for vets.. I give my own vaccinations every other year except I keep current on rabies with the vet as well as heartworm preventative and advantage.
interesting, my oldest daughter will be watching a friends dog for about a year while he is over seas
We always keep up to date with vacc. and heart worm meds, etc. It's a necessity here in VA.
Thanks for the post. I received an email from my Vet this week that my dogs shots were due. I don't have much of a choice about vaccintaing him where we live it is required we have shots annually. Really wish we could bypass it for his health and financially. I costs almost $200 everytime.
jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
We're definitely in an area where our pup needs to keep up preventative measures. It's like a petry dish for heartworm and distemper. But I will pass the info on to my friend and her lab in MT.
Thanks for the very informative article. I had no idea that overvaccination of my dogs was something I should be concerned about.
Thank you for a very informative post. My two little ones are due, and I will be discussing this with my vet. We have a terrible problem with ticks here, and I wish there was a safer, but effective alternative to the toxic commercial products.
This is a well written article. Lots of valuable vaccination information to keep the pups healthy
Excellent information. Thanks!
Very good info,I have had dogs all my life and some of these things I was not aware of!
Great article. I referred it to my neighbor who has just adopted a puppy. She immediately went out and started the vaccinations for her dog.
Thank you for this information on vaccines. I know there are certain things we should be aware of, but most people don't know. There is another one called leptovirus that I have heard can be dangerous to give.
luckyme51 (@) sbcglobal (dot) net
I learned that Bordetella and coronavirus although seemingly benefical vaccines prevents these viruses only for a short period on time and have questionable efficasy.
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I totally agree, why give vaccinations our dogs don't need. Some feel the same about children's vaccinations but the jury is till out on that one!
What a great post - and its good to know the vaccines that are needed everywhere opposed to the ones that are needed regionaly
i dont even go to the vet because they are always pushing something..ou town has a dog registration day once a year and they give them rabies and distemper and its alot cheaper than the vet..as long as my pet is healthy i dont take him to the vet
following your blog as klp1965
Thanks for that article. Although some shots are not necessary for my dog I am required to give my dog a rabies vaccine once a year in my city.
I follow your blog
Every year for my job I have to get a TB TEST and this is bad enough. I have read and know all about what they are trying toshoot us up with in the name of science
This information is invaluable to any pet owner. My dog visits the vet regularly but i know many that do not. Thanks for a great giveaway!
My dogs go yearly for their checkups and heartworm and any vaccines necessary. It's important for their well being.
msboatgal at aol.com
Excellent info for any pet owner. I believe that if you are going to own a pet that you should take care of him the best that you can and that means getting his shots when they are do.
I learned a lot about animal vaccinations.
Good article. We keep our dog up to date with her vaccines. Thanks
Christina - xristya@rock.com - Yes, vaccinations are important - and expensive - but I had never heard about them being based on where you live, which is why the article helps people learn! Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win!
Thanks for all of the info.. I'm so thankful for the internet! :)
Fantastic information! I always keep up with my pets vaccinations but need to get her a refill on heartworm medication.
It's something we worry about for our children and also a very viable concern for animals, as many of them are children to their owner.
great info for pet care:)
Good info. Thanks.
Thanks for the useful information. when it comes to that kinda stuff I a clueless!
Your article on vaccinations was very interesting. Thanks for the great information!
whenever i buy gift bags for anyone... I always make sure that the dog toy that i included in the bag is suitable for my friend's pets.
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