Thank you for coming to the "Breed All About It" blog. As many of you may or may not know our launch date is June 1st, 2009. So to celebrate our launch date we are holding a sweepstakes for a Large Kong Ball. The sweepstakes ends June 7th of 2009. The lucky winner will receive the large kong ball, a kong treat, and kong coupons.
As many of you may or may not know we also have a website called "The Breeder Directory" where we have breeder listings, a daily newsletter, pet care tips, training tips and much more. The website will launch also on June 1st, 2009. However the site is up for breeders to list themselves (free of charge) and anyone can subscribe for our newsletter which our first issue will be sent out on June 1st.
Now to the part you've all been waiting for, your chance to win the Kong package.
To enter the Launch Date Sweepstakes and win the Kong package -
-Follow my blog
-Subscribe to my newsletter, to do so please go to "The Breeder Directory"
Both actions are required to enter the sweepstakes, when finished please post your comment in this blog posting.
Thank you!
did both- follow/newsletter
Done & Done. My pup loves his tiny Kong. THis one is bigger than he is!
my dog would love this!
both actions are completed mverno@roadrunner.com
I am following you and I signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Following your blog and subscribed to your newsletter. Our fur baby would love a Kong ball:)
did both...newsletter at ashersgonnawin at yahoo.com and following with rw1647 at yahoo.com
following and subscribed :)
looking fwd to the launch of the site & Blog, good job!
I have done both requirements. Thanks!
talonsmom731 at gmail dot com
I have heard that dogs love these! I follow and subscribe.
wordsmoveme at gmail dot com
Follow and subscribe! Love dog friendly blogs!!!
Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!
Janna Johnson
Following and subscribed
shel704 at aol dot com
Fun site! I just signed up as a follower and for the newsletter. katygmorris at gmail dot com
Thanks! :)
Following the leader TES283 and saw the goldie puppies- way too cute, but mine are more lovable. Signed up for mail. Thank you for offering my 3 babys more good toys for them to play with. Thank you.
I follow, and am subbed! Kong rocks!
My dog's love their kong ball but so need a second one!
Did both!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Summer would love a Kong
My Golden chews up everything he finds, the Kongs are the only things that last.
I am following your blog and subscribed to newsletter-ejxd95@gmail.com
I signed up for the newsletter but the Follow button isn't showing up for some reason. Will try later.
I follow and subscribed! ;)
I have 2 minature schnauzers and they would have a ball with this. Zoe has a small one and cody is always taking it off of her for the treat. Thanks for a chance to win one.
I followed and subscribed. My Alaskan Malamutes, Kouga and Milele would like this giveaway.
The KONG is the best toy ever! Thanks for the chance.
I follow and subscribe!
our dog would dig this
I subscribed and I follow
I have a blog dedicated to Dogs and specifically to helping folks cut corners and save money on pet supplies without cutting quality of care. I have followed you and I have signed up for the newsletter.
Did both, follower and subscriber
I added myself as a follower and tried to subscribe to your e-mail but the link for your site isn't working. You can add me to your newsletter mailing list
olivesauctions AT gmail DOT com
I follow your blog. When I try to subscribe to the newsletter, I get this message. "This site is currently unavailable.
If you are the owner of this site, please contact us at 1-480-505-8855 at your earliest convenience."
I am a follower and I tried to sign up for your newsletter but it wouldn't let me through.
I am following and subscribed. Thanks!
Did both requirements, and now Duke (my handsome baby 1-yr-old 100-lb. Rhodesian Ridgeback) and I are followers and looks forward to your newsletters.
Done with both requirements. My pups love Kong.
Did both! Thanks.
I just subscribe.
I did both. My Wilson loves his kong toys.
I got both tasks done - make me a winner.
Done and done! Looks like it should be a fun and interesting site. Good luck with it!
I follow and have your newsletter!
We have 3 Rottweilers, and this would be great for them. They loved their old kongs. Thanks.
I'm following your blog and I signed up for the newsletter. My "Kong Krazy" red heeler would love to win this!
I'm following and signed up for the newsletter. Thanks so much for the great giveaway!!
following and subscribed lezanac@yahoo.com
Just followed and subscribed! We love Kong products.
i follow your blog and signed up for your newsletter thanks for the great giveway eaglesforjack@gmail.com tina
following your blog as klp1965
kathy pease and subscribed
we have 3 rescur ridgebacks...the puppy rescued from a mill...loves the kong
I would like to win becos I dont have pets, ha ha ha.
Following and subscribed. Thanks.
Subscribed and follow.
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